Run It Up

Artist : Rulla @rullaj

Posted Date : 12/4/2018 6:50:34 AM

Uploaded by: teambiggarankin

Description : JIMMY DASAINT SIGNS TALENTED PHILLY ARTIST RULLA TO RUFFSAINTS ENT. North Philly artist Rulla just hit the musical jackpot. After hearing a few songs by the talented 19 year old, the Ruffsaints music team signed him on the spot. Impressed with Rulla's style, swag and delivery they are planning to emmedietly begin working on his future project. Look out for this talented young man in the near future and follow him and his new management team on Instagram: @ruffsaintsent @rullaj

Label/Production Name : RuffSaints Ent.

Spins : 43

Downloads : 266

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