I'll Be Fine (Dirty)
Artist : Jae Mansa Ft. SL
Posted Date : 11/5/2020 11:39:39 AM
Uploaded by: DJJohnny01Description : Today, Jae Mansa debuts a hypnotic trapped out jam called "I'll Be Fine" featuring SL and produced by Jae's brother Its' Dev. The song finds the group perfectly riding a celestial beat while they stay on their rap game hustle. "We just want to let the whole world know that (everything will be fine) and we are not just speaking about ourselves,'' says Jae Mansa. We are talking about the whole world. These are some crazy uncertain times and we think that everyone needs some assurance. So, "I'l
Produced by : Its' Dev
Label/Production Name : Eoarn Ent.
Spins : 8300
Downloads : 1202
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