I Got H8TAZ (Explicit)

Artist : Strictly Biz aka @STRICTLYBIZ765

Posted Date : 2/22/2018 10:18:35 PM

Uploaded by: DJJohnny01

Description : $TRICTLY BIZ has been involved with numerous projects such as; MOB MUZIK MIX a compilation with a local group Contraversy; TWIZTED MUZIC MIX a compilations of artists from the local independant record label, TWIZTED MUZIC ENT. . Shortly after the release of the mmade alliances with NICK BEAM, the chief producer of TME and created is current album AGAINST LL ODDS. #UKNOWWHATITIZ

Produced by : NICKBEAM

Label/Production Name : MOB MUZIC

Spins : 36104

Downloads : 5661

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