
Artist : 49DMAN

Posted Date : 12/18/2023 1:42:27 PM

Uploaded by: teambiggarankin

Description : 49DMAN's 'HunnidMPHlimit' is a rap/hip-hop banger that's all about elevating to the top. From the streets of Cleveland, OH, this track is produced by OGBill and showcases 49DMAN's lyrical prowess. In the verse, he cuts through the noise with his unapologetic determination to secure the bag. He's not interested in empty talk; he's here to put in the work and rise above. The chorus paints a picture of opulence in a penthouse hotel, symbolizing the rewards of hard work. 'HunnidMPHlimit' is an anthe

Produced by : OGBill

Label/Production Name : Pick & Roll Records

Spins : 2

Downloads : 0

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