Hood Fantasies (Clean)

Hood Fantasies (Clean) Hood Fantasies (Clean)

Artist : Hell Vel aka @Hell_Vel

Posted Date : 3/21/2023 3:08:26 PM

Uploaded by: DJJohnny01

Description : Hood Fantasies The first word that comes to mind when I hear this song is...HARD! You immediately get a vintage/smooth/player vibe but hiphop with a trap twist! The vocals and the track make you want to get in your whip, kick back the seat, and just ride. Vel's flow and delivery takes me back to the culture with today's ingredients, done his own way. This is what the rap game is missing... COOL! Its use to be cool to be cool! Well cool is BACK.

Produced by : BrainyBeats

Label/Production Name : BrainyBeats

Spins : 8741

Downloads : 925

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