Hit Em With The Pose (Dirty)

Artist : Dizzy Wright ft. Jazz Lazr

Posted Date : 6/21/2018 10:44:24 AM

Uploaded by: DJJohnny01

Description : For his first solo record of 2018, the ever capable Dizzy Wright is aiming to infiltrate yoga studios and gyms all across the globe with "Hit Em With The Pose." The upbeat number produced by Kato also features Jazz Lazr and comes on the heels of the Vegas MC's 23-city "Golden State of Mind Tour" and contributions to the Still Movin compilation album, One Week Notice. According to Dizzy himself, this is just the first taste for a project that will be fully developed later this year.

Produced by : Kato

Label/Production Name : Empire

Spins : 9164

Downloads : 1052

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