Fix Yo Crown ft. Rhymefest (Clean)
Artist : Skypp
Posted Date : 4/22/2021 2:27:37 PM
Uploaded by: DJJohnny01Description : "We live in a time where people are realizing their worth. Ownership, confidence, self-love and wealth are in abundance. It's a beautiful thing. But like the lyrics say, "with power comes corruption." For every step up, there's a force trying to make you go backwards. This song is for the people who face those battles daily. You're a target because you're a threat. Stay focused and never let them get the best of you. Pick your head up and Fix Yo' Crown." DJ Pack In Mp3 Pool
Produced by : Seany D
Label/Production Name : Sophisticated Street Music LLC
Spins : 2983
Downloads : 933
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