Artist : DJay Prodigy - @djay_prodigy
Posted Date : 11/3/2018 11:40:36 AM
Uploaded by: DJJohnny01Description : On his first single he enlisted his high school buddy Skypp to feature on the song and singer Damon Karl was brought in to do the singing parts, and thus we have "Underdog Anthem", a song dear to his heart as he felt his life was an underdog and through a strong sense of faith and dedication he came up. Now with the indie label MECAP Music. For his new single "Clap" Prodigy raps over a track created by Rob Hittz and his rap was produced Skypp.
Produced by : Skypp & Rob Hittz
Label/Production Name : MECAP Music
Spins : 4188
Downloads : 326
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