Chillen (Radio)
Artist : Elusive Life Overdose @Elusivelife_
Posted Date : 11/23/2017 1:15:22 PM
Uploaded by: DJJohnny01Description : Elo ~Elusive Life Overdose~ Elusive Life Overdose a/k/a ELO is an unsigned up and coming writer, artist and engineer from Cleveland, OH. ELO is a versatile artist that writes and records an eclectic range of music, using his unique style and deliverance. With the recent release of his Debut Album "Racketeering" ELO plans to make his mark in the hip hop world with a combination of his clever lyrics and raw talent. Follow ELO on Twitter @EloBrown and on Instagram @ EloVintage
Produced by : CamGotHits
Label/Production Name : Independent
Spins : 6825
Downloads : 795
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