Back 2 The Money (Dirty)

Artist : Luminous Lou

Posted Date : 9/19/2017 10:44:09 PM

Uploaded by: DJJohnny01

Description : "Back 2 The Money" is the latest single from Luminous Lou off his up & coming EP. Luminous hails from Columbus,OH and has been in the music scene for the majority of his life but did not debut any official music until early 2017. Since his debut he has worked with numerous artists such as Bizzy Bone, Project Pat, Do Or Die and many more. Success stemmed from his debut mixtape that led to nationwide radio play, interviews, features and placements. Be on the lookout for this up and coming artist.

Produced by : Ghostrage

Label/Production Name : Independent

Spins : 15669

Downloads : 1813

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