Genre : Hiphop
Artist : DJNoLimitz
Posted Date: 6/10/2021 5:37:14 PM
Uploaded by: djnolimitz_Description : Coming into The 5th studio Mixtape, After DJ NoLimitz Hard Hitting "The Midwest Prince" this Mixtape is the first Tape released, under capital Structure/ Nervedjs. First Track starts with EKT 40 "Losin" Then a transition into 10LilA "Is you Ready" Both artist has locked the Streetz down! To continue the Third track "Walk Freestyle" from FacetheTruth614 making his 3rd appearance on one of NoLimitz Mixtapez! Ending The Mixtape TY BRI "ITS ME FREESTYLE" Now as a celebrity DJ
Label/Production Name : NOLIMITZ ENT LLC
Spins : 53
Downloads : 0
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