Summer Soulstice
Genre : Hiphop
Artist : Cisalo
Posted Date: 8/28/2021 11:27:50 AM
Uploaded by: teambiggarankinDescription : MMR (Mistro Music Records) Presents Cisalo "Summer Soulstice" a full-length project from the rising Atlanta, GA. star. This collection of tracks, mainly produced, written, and arranged by Cisalo, features some of the hottest independent artists to emerge from the new hip-hop mecca most commonly known as the "A-Town". Cislao's unique style and vision help him craft, package, and present a product his established fans will love, and his new fans will champion to the top.
Produce By : Cisalo, 803
Label/Production Name : Mistro Music Records
Spins : 18
Downloads : 0
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